Privacy Policy

Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”)

Collection of Personal Data

 In the course of your dealings with YXin, we may have or will request that you provide data and information about yourself, your organisation, your employees and your customers (“Personal Data”) to enable us to enter into commercial transaction with you or to deliver the necessary notices, services and/or products in connection with our business. These are relevant in connection with our business process, execution, including delivery of notices, services and/or products and/or deliverables, client relationship management, planning purposes in connection with future products, new product launches and events including promotional events with business partners within our scope of business undertakings.

Nature of Personal Data Collected

Personal Data collected may be subject to applicable data protection, privacy and other similar laws and may include but not limited to information concerning your name, date of birth, identity card number, passport number, address, gender, race, contact information, e-mail address, residential or postal addresses, information about spouses and/or children, telephone or fax number, preferred mode of communication, credit card details, bank name and other pertinent banking information, where permitted by applicable law.

Purpose of Collection of Personal Data

The Personal Data that has been or will be collected, processed, and used by us for one or more of the following purposes:

• the delivery of notices, services, products or deliverables and the marketing of such services or products whether present or future, to you;

• for you to enter into the necessary agreement and/or contract to purchase the products and/or services from us;

• the maintenance and upkeep of customer records and development;

• to facilitate payment of our products and services;

• those purposes specifically provided for in any service or product offered by us or our partners;

• marketing and client profiling activities regarding our latest, products, projects and/or services;

• credit assessments, financial and background investigation as and when deemed necessary;

• for our internal record keeping;

• prevention of crime (including but not limited to fraud and money-laundering);

• meeting any legal or regulatory requirements relating to our provision of services and products and to make disclosure under the requirements of any applicable law, regulation, direction, court order, by-law, guideline, circular, code applicable to us or any member companies of our Group;

• enable us to send you information by e-mail, regular postal mail, telecommunication means (telephone calls, SMS messages or social media) or internet social media about products and services offered by us and/or via collaboration with selected third parties.;

• setting, modification, safekeeping, customer care, customer loyalty card programmes; and/or related services in respect of our products and/or services;


Disclosure of Personal Data

The information we gather is not sold, given to, or otherwise shared with other organizations for commercial or any other purposes. All marketing materials, mailings, advertisements and/or newsletters will be sent directly to you by YXin Sdn. Bhd and will not be stored, subject to you responding directly to the advertiser. The Personal Data provided to us will be kept confidential and you hereby consent and authorise us to disclose your Personal Data to the following classes of parties:

• any related companies and/or subsidiaries of YXin Sdn. Bhd, including those incorporated in the future;

• our business partners and affiliates that provide related services or products as may be deemed necessary or appropriate in connection with our business;

• our auditors, consultants, lawyers, accountants or other financial or professional advisers appointed in connection with our business;

• our third-party service providers, third party management companies, sub-contractors or other parties as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by us to facilitate your dealings with us; and

• our appointed service providers deemed necessary or appropriate by us in relation of our loyalty programmes, for the purpose of delivery gift redemption and services.

Your Personal Data may also be disclosed if the disclosure is necessary for the purpose of preventing or detecting a crime, or for the purpose of investigations or is required or authorised by or under any law or by the order of a court.

External third parties are appointed by us and are legally tasked with processing your Personal Data in line with data privacy principles specified by YXin Sdn. Bhd. Third parties are also held legally responsible for securing your Personal Data at an appropriate level of security in relation to applicable data protection laws and widely accepted industry standards.

Protection of Personal Data

Your Personal Data will be kept and processed in a secured manner. The appropriate administrative and security safeguards, policies and procedures will be implemented, as far as practicable, in accordance to the applicable laws and regulations. We will, as far as practicable, aim to prevent any unauthorized and/or unlawful processing of, and the accidental loss, destruction, or damage to your Personal Data.